In November 1998, the voters of California passed Proposition 10, the “California Children and Families Act of 1998.” This initiative, funded by additional taxes imposed on tobacco products, is directed at promoting, supporting, and improving the early development of children from the prenatal stage to five years of age. Proposition 10 funds are administered state-wide by the First 5 California Children and Families Commission, which receives 20% of the revenues. The remaining 80% of the revenues are distributed to county commissions.
The duties of each county commission include:
- Evaluating the current and projected needs of young children and their families,
- Develop a strategic plan that promotes a comprehensive and integrated system of early childhood development services to address community needs and
- Evaluating the effectiveness of programs and activities funded under the strategic plan.
The Calaveras County Children & Families Commission (AKA the Calaveras First 5 Commission) has a 7-member board with expertise in the areas of social service, public health, special needs, mental health, and early childhood development and education.
Commissioners play an active role in determining how Proposition 10 revenue is allocated in Calaveras County. The Commission seeks applicants who will commit to:
- Serving a three-year term
- Participating in regular meetings (held 6-10 months per year; see website for current meeting schedule)
- Serving on ad hoc committees, as requested by the Commission Chair
Commission Alternates are expected to attend meetings as regularly as possible, participate in discussions, and act in a voting capacity when requested by the Chair due to the absence of a Commissioner.
Legislative Requirements: The First 5 Calaveras Bylaws stipulate that three (3) of the Commissioners (and their Alternates) include a Board of Supervisor member, the Human Services Agency Director (or designee), and the Health Officer (or designee). The remaining four (4) Commissioners and two (2) Alternates must be eligible under at least one of the following requirements:
- Recipient of project services included in the Commission Strategic Plan;
- Educator specializing in early childhood development;
- Representative of a local organization for prevention or early intervention for children and/or families at risk;
- Representative of a community–based organization that has the goal of promoting nurturing and early childhood development;
- Representative of local elementary school districts or county office of education; and
- Representative of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies.